When I look at the sketchers ad in school text book the first thing that crosses my mind is, "What does a half naked woman with a whip and a disturbed man have to do with shoes?"Than I realize something. Sex and sexy woman are one of the most used ideas to sell just about anything. In this case they are being used to sell shoes. The ad is directed at people that want exactly that, and are looking for a new pair of shoes.
These images are used to put all kinds of ideas into your head. In this case, I suppose, they are saying that if you wear these shoes, you are in for some "action." I suppose they mean that the shoes help to attract "appealing" women that like whips and sex.
The disturbed look on the man's face is harder for me to understand. He looks like he does want what he is seeing and is pushing her away. I'm not entirely sure how that is going to sell the shoe, but whatever they think will work, I am sure they are right.
Good analysis and commentary. I have to agree with your reasoning, especially the "what the heck" sorta response to the perennial let's just use a scantily-clad woman here to sell product x, y z....